Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fighting The Fatigue

I have not been able to quilt for the last four days due to fatigue. I have also missed two days of work this week, and I'm not happy about that. It has turned a little cold here in Michigan and I wonder if that is the problem. I have several projects I want to start on for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I hope to post pictures this weekend. My fabric arrived yesterday and I'm so excited. I'm making my first Christmas count down calendar. and a scroll with the story of the "Night Before Christmas". Of course, one for me and one for my sister. Until next time. Lisakb

1 comment:

Molly said...

Hi. You are a 'no-reply' blogger so this was the only way I could reply to your comment on my blog about the chipmunk block. I have since completed the quilt top but have not blogged about it yet. You can see a photo of the quilt top if you go back to my blog and click on my flickr photos.

The chipmunk block measures 6" finished, and the quilt, which measures 18" finished, is from an older book called "Go Wild With Quilts-Again" by Margaret Rolfe. I found mine at my local library. And I modified the quilt a bit. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

So sorry to hear about your fibro and chronic fatigue. I used to suffer so badly from both--also extreme chemical sensitivities. I hope you find some relief. I hope you enjoy blogging!