Monday, July 9, 2012

Snow Ball Blocks, and making them correctly.

I am working on the BOM Amish with a twist from Jennifer's Quilt Shop in Pinckney, MI ( and in Lesson #7 you get to the Snow Ball Block.  Since I am a relatively new quilter and I'm learning as I go, I thought I would share what I learned on this block.  Even though I followed the directions exactly, I still learned something from trial and error, and hopefully I can save someone else the trouble.  Perhaps an experienced quilter already knows this, however, I learned on my own.  Here goes.

I cut my fabric exactly as described on my pattern.
I drew a line diagonal from corner to corner as directed to sew my small corner piece to the larger block.  The pattern says lay the small block on top of the larger block and sew on the marked line.  HERE is where I messed up! I put the fabric together matching all sides perfectly!

Then I sewed across my diagonal line.  When I turned my fabric back, IT WAS SHORT!  See photo!

This may not seem like a lot, but over the entire length of a quilt that is 105 inches in length, by the time you get to the end, it will show!  Percision in quilting is one thing I have learned that really matters.

I then decided to scoot my small block back a little bit and line up the diagonal line, instead of lining up the block with the fabric.  I sewed across the diagonal line.

When you scoot it back, it will hang over the edge of your large block fabric a tiny bit, however, you are going to cut this off so it does not matter as long as your sewing line matches up. I flipped my fabric back and when I pressed it I had a perfect corner.

I continued this process all the way around my block, trimmed off the access and pressed my block a final time.

I now had my first snow ball block!  It seemed so simple, yet so hard until I learned to just scoot the fabric back a tiny bit!  If I had only know sooner.  I have tried to make these blocks a few other times with no luck.  My corners always come up short.  Now I figured it out. I hope my trial and error helps someone else make this beautiful block.  Cheers and have a wonderful day.

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